

AVAYA 在线投稿 25959浏览

下面说明中凡是使用中文说明的都是经过实际测试得出结论,具有一定的参考价值。鉴于实验环境或License许可限制或本人的技术水平等等因素,有部分的功能键没有成功测试出来或虽测试出来了但是不明白具体的用途不敢妄加猜测迷惑大家。所以凡是这样的功能键都用英文进行说明。至于英文说明是取材于《Administering Avaya Aura?Communication Manager》这份官方文档上面的说明。 

BUTTON键 中文解释








主要用在更改个人缩位拨号列表功能,即上在电 话上实现ASA上的change abbreviated-dialing personal功能。 在分机上先设定abr-prog和abrv-dial按 键(list3,DC1)。话机上先按abr-prog 键再按abrv-dial根据提示按1(更改号 码),跟着输入需要缩位拨号的号码,按#号确认。
abr-spchar 缩位拨号(字符) 配合abr-prog、abrv-dial使用,实现一些缩位拨 号中加插字符的功能。[~, ~m(mark), ~p(pause), ~s (suppress), ~w(wait for dialtone), or ~W (wait forever)]
abrdg-appr 桥接一个模拟分机 当桥接的分机振铃时,通过这个按键可以代接这 个分机。
abrv-dial 缩位拨号 可以通过这个按键进行缩位拨号,需要在ASA上编 辑这个号码也可以与abr-prog按键配合来编辑这 个号码,


Abbreviated and Delayed Ringing:allows the user to trigger an abbreviatedor delayed transition for calls alerting at an extension.
ac-alarm 受控连接告警 Administered Connection alarm notification:allows the user to monitor when the number of failures for an administered connection has met the specified threshold.







Auto-Ckt 暂停

Automatic Circuit Assurance (display button): allows users of display telephones to identify trunk malfunctions. The system automatically initiates a referral call to the telephone when a possible failureoccurs. When the user presses ACA Halt, the system turns off ACA monitoring for the entire system. The user must press ACA Halt again to restart monitoring.




Account: allows users to enter Call Detail Recording (CDR) account codes. CDR account codes allow the system to associate and track calls according to a particular project or account number.



Administration: allows a user to program the feature buttons on their 6400-series telephone.




一般应用在座席在接听电话后需要进行文档输入 工作,不方便接听电话的情况。进入此模式后不 会电话不会轮询到此座席上。此模式可以通过在 PBX(VDN上的VDN Timed ACW Interval)上设置 具体的状态时间间隔。
alrt-agchg 通知接线生技能组所作的 更改 Alert Agent: indicates to the agent that their split/skill hunt group changed while active on a call. This button blinks tonotify the agent of the change.


Alternate Facility Restriction Level(FRL): activates or deactivates an alternate facility restriction level for the extension.




Automatic Number Identification Request: allows the user to display the calling party’s number from incoming trunks duringthe voice state of call.The trunk must support this functionality.
assist 座席组长援助 Supervisory Assistance: used by an ACD agent to place a call to a split supervisor.
asvn-halt asvn暂停 Authorization Code Security Violation Notification: activates or deactivates call referral when an authorization codesecurity violation is detected.






Attendant Queue Calls (display button): tracks the number of calls in the attendant group’s queue and displays the queue status. Assign this button to any user who you want to backup the attendant.进入呼叫话 务员队列,主要应用在有多个话务员的大公司里 面。




Attendant Queue Time (display button):tracks the calls in the attendant group’squeue according to

the oldest time a call has been queued, and obtains a display of the queue status.按等 待时间长短列呼





Audix One-Step Recording (display button): activates/deactivates recording of the current call. A messaging hunt groupextension that is valid for the user must be entered in the Ext: field after the name.和Audix配合进行通话录音,需有Audix设备






Automatic Message Waiting:associated status lamp automatically lights when an LWC message has been stored in the system for the associated extension (can be a VDN).This lamp will not light on the mapped-to physical station for messagesleft for virtual extensions.
auto-cback 自动回拨 当A分机通话中,B呼叫A发现忙音可以按此键,当 A结束通话,B自动振铃,B摘机后,A振铃,A摘机 后,双方通话。






自动内线通(相当于对讲 机功能)



按此键,目标分机自动接听(需在ch sta中的

auto answer填上icom)。

在ASA里change intercom-group,组中填 写分机号,DC只的是匹配符号,例如8001 分机填0,8888分机填1。跟着在分机的 button上修改auto-icom后面的DC,8888 分机的DC是0(对应8001),8001分机的 DC是1(对应8888)。这样8001或者8888 按此键,对方都会自动接听,达到对讲机 的效果。
auto-in 呼叫中心接线生自动进入 呼叫队列 省略。。。。。。。
auto-wkup 自动唤醒:唤醒某一个分 机 按此键后,输入目标分机号和唤醒时间,唤醒时 间要长于距现时的5分钟,也即只能唤醒5分钟后 的分机。
autodial 快速拨号 通过系统设置具体的目的地电话号码,用户按此 键后进行直接呼叫。适用于IT热线电话等等应用
aux-work 呼叫中心接线生暂时离开 呼叫队列 省略。。。。。。。


brdg-appr 桥接一个分机 配合分机属性(第二页)中的Bridged callAlerting可以达到两个分机同时振铃的效果,适 用于老板和秘书的应用
btn-ring Station User Button Ring Control:allows users to toggle between audible and silent call alerting.
btn-view 按钮预见 通过按此键可以查询到其他按键的用途,按此键 再按其他功能键后,功能键不会生效,而会在电 话上方提示该功能键的用途。
busy-ind 忙态显示 可以在系统定义监控其他某个分机是否忙线,方 便秘书查询老板是否在通话中。


call-appr 通话信路选择 每个话机初始都预设3个通话信路,可以手动增加 或减少信路。
call-disp 发起呼叫 配合directory(目录)使用,按此键呼出目录中 的号码
call-fwd 呼叫前传 按此键后再输入目的地分机,配合分机参数中的 Redirect Notification设为NO,可以取消一声铃 提示
call-park 驻留通话 通话中需要离开话机去到其他地方可以把电话暂 时驻留,在其他话机上输入服务码+分机号可以接 听这个被驻留的电话。 在ASA的FEA上的Answer Back Access code上设置恢复驻留电话服务码。配合 Autodial按键可以实现按一键+分机号接 听这个驻留电话。
call-pkup 代接组内电话 在pickup组内设置好分机,按此键可待接这个分 机的来电。
call-timer Used only with some set types.
callr-info 呼叫方信息 (display button) Used with Call Prompting to allow users to display information collected from the originator.




Centralized Attendant Service Backup: used to redirect all CAS calls to a backup extension in the local branch if all RLTs are out-of-service or maintenance busy. The associated status lamp indicates if CAS is in the backup mode.
cdr1-alrm 显示CDR1是否故障(主) 用于监察CDR通道是否正常连接,主要用于计费系 统,监视计费系统是否正常连接。
cdr2-alrm 显示CDR1是否故障(副) 用于监察CDR通道是否正常连接,主要用于计费系 统,监视计费系统是否正常连接。
cfwd-bsyda 无人接听或忙线转移 按键后输入转移目地分机,该功能类似于cov path,但只可以转移一次,默认为无人接听2声后 转移;通话中来电时还会有玲声1提示,注意该功 能需要在cos中开启call forwarding busy/DA
cfwd-enh 增强型呼叫前转 该功能可以让用户自行定义什么环境下(无条件、遇忙、无人接听)转移到内部或者外部电话, 用户可以根据话机显示屏上方的提示选择适合自 己的转移方式。




适用于酒店客房功能,该功能主要应用在酒店前 台或订房部中,可以控制某个电话是否处于入住 状态,当电话处于入住状态可以拨打外线。管理 员可以在ASA中用status station命令查询出该分 机是否处于入住状态。Room status:occupied为 入住状态。 在应用此功能前请在ASA的change COS中 的Clinet设置为Y,才能正常使用该功能





适用于酒店客房功能,该功能主要应用在酒店前 台或订房部中,可以控制某个电话是否处于退房状态,当电话处于退房状态不能拨打外线。管理员可以在ASA中用status station命令查询出该分 机是否处于入住状态。Room status:vacant为退 房状态。 在应用此功能前请在ASA的change COS中 的Clinet设置为Y,才能正常使用该功能









Clocked Manual Override (display button): Used only by authorized attendants and system administrators,in association with Time of Day Routing, to override the routing plan in effect for the system. The override is in effect for a specified period of time.This feature can only be assigned todisplay telephones.
conf-dsp 会议显示 进行电话会议时,按此键可以在屏幕中显示出参 会人员的分机号。










The Consult button allows a covering user, after answering a coverage call, to call the principal (called party) for privateconsultation. Activating Consult places the caller on hold and establishes a private connection between the principal and thecovering user. The covering user can then add the caller to the conversation, transfer the call to the principal, or return to the caller.




A、B、C三个分机,B设置COV PATH只想C,A拨打B 后由于没人接听电话转向了C,在C通话中时按此 键可以给B发出一封语音留言邮件并点亮留言灯, 告诉B曾经有个电话转向了C。以便B收到邮件后可 以得知A曾经给他打过电话。
cov-msg-rt 涵盖信息检索 通过此按键可以查询出分机的涵盖留言情况,估 计是配合cov-cback使用。
cpn-blk 不发送主叫号 Blocks the sending of the calling party number for a call.
cpn-unblk 发送主叫号 Deactivates calling party number (CPN) blocking and allows the CPN to be sent for a single call.


应急告警(很有意思的功 能^!^) 在电话A中先设置这个案件,然后在ARS或AAR中把 需要定义为告警的号码的call type设为alrt,当 B分机拨打这个号码,A会有“嘟嘟嘟嘟”的声音 提示,此时在A在按这个键会在话机中提示B拨打 过告警电话。


data-ext Data Extension: sets up a data call. Can be used to pre-indicate a data call or todisconnect a data call. Cannot be a VDN orISDN-BRI extension.
data-time 显示日期、时间 按此键可以查询到现时的日期年份时间等信息
delete-msg 删除留言 Delete message (display button):deletes a stored LWC message or wakeup request.






相当于前面的auto-icom,区别是通过预先设置好 intercom-group组,按此键后直接输入组内人的 ID号,例如1、2、3、4等等,直接呼叫组内的其他分机。和auto-icom不同之处是需要输入ID号, 而auto-icom由于事前已经在ASA里设置了固定的 ID号,所以auto-icom方式按键后,对方分机马上 振铃。
did-remove DID Remove (display button): allows DIDassignments to be removed.
did-view DID View (display button): allows DID assignments to be displayed and changed. Allows choice between XDID and XDIDVIP numbers.


dir-pkup 定向呼叫带答案 通过此案件再输入具体分机号,可以代答任一台 振铃话机,需要在change sys fea把Directedcall pickup打开才能使用
disp-chrg 显示收费 Provides your display telephone with a visual display of accumulated charges on your current telephone call. Used exclusively outside the U.S. and Canada.


Normal (display button): Toggles between LOCAL display mode(displays time and date) and NORMAL mode (displays call-relateddata). LED off = LOCAL mode and LED on = NORMAL.


通过此键开启免打扰,开启后不会接听到任何电 话。


Allows users to drop calls. Users can drop calls from automatic hold or drop the last party they added to aconference call.




















Administers an Extension to Cellular feature button on the office telephone. When you enter this value, the Timer subfield displays, and defaults to n. Setthe optional Timer subfield to y to include an Extension to Cellular timer

state for the administered feature button.

When the timer state is included, the Extension to Cellular user can activate a one-hour timer to temporarily disable Extension to Cellular through this administered feature button. Leaving the default setting of n excludes the timer state.

exclusion 桥接禁止 在两个存在桥接关系的分机,被桥接者在接听电 话后由于保密通话内容的必要,按此键,可以禁止桥接分机收听到通话内容。
ext-dn-dst 分机免打扰 该功能适用于前台使用,通过此功能可以给其他 分机开启免打扰功能,还有需要输入具体的解除 时间。
extnd-call 延伸呼叫 Allows the user to extend the current call to an Off-PBX/Extension to Cellular telephone.


fe-mute 远端静音 Allows a user to mute a selected party on a conference call. This button can beassigned to stations and attendant consoles.








1) Allows a station on a trunk call with Trunk Flash to send a Trunk Flash signal to the far end (e.g., Central Office);2) allows a station on a CAS main call tosend a Trunk Flash signal over the connected RLT trunk back to

the branch to conference or transfer the call.












Go To Coverage: sends a call directly to coverage instead of waiting for the called inside-user to answer. Go to Cover forces intercom and priority calls to follow a coverage path.Note: Go to Cover cannot be activated for calls placed to a Vector Directory Numberextension. Go to Cover can be used to force a call to cover to a VDN if the called principal has a VDN as a coverage point.
grp-dn-dst 按组-免打扰 Group Do Not Disturb (display button):places a group of telephones into the do not disturb mode.




该功能可以按键后若干个分机自动接听(不用摘 机),相等于大喇叭功能。先在ASA上用chgroup-page命令设置好分机组并填写好组号,再 在某分机上设置好这个按键,并在按键后填写此 组号。当这个分机按键后,组内的电话将会自动




hunt-ns 寻线组夜服 Hunt-Group Night Service: places a hunt- group into night service. Grp:Hunt group number.


in-call-id 来电显示 该功能可以为来自hunt-group或者cov answer group的转接电话识别具体的来电信息。举例:按 键设定后,该hun组内转接过来电话,功能键会被 点亮告知该电话是从HUN组转接过来的。


如果该功能被用于IP电话,按此键会在电话上方 显示IP信息。
int-aut-an 内部自动应答 该功能开启后将会自动接听内部分机的来电。
inst-trans 自动转接(秘书转接键) 该功能可以在按键后直接把电话转接到目的地分 机。








License-Error: indicates a major License File alarm. Pressing the button does not make the light go out.The button goes out only after the error is cleared and Communication Manager returns to License- Normal Mode. You can administer this buttonon telephones and attendant consoles.
limit-call 限制来电数 对于数字或IP电话默认有3路的来电通道,通过此 功能可以设置为只保留一条通路。当话机通话 中,如果开启此功能,后续来的通话将不能接通




Link Alarm: associated status lamp indicates that a failure has occurred onone of the Processor Interface circuit pack data links. Link: Link number — 1to 8 for multi-carrier media gatewaysor 1 to 4 forsingle-carrier media gateway.
lsvn-halt LSVN暂停 Login Security Violation Notification:activates or deactivates referral call when a login security violation is detected.
lwc-cancel Leave Word Calling Cancel: cancels the last leave word calling message originated bythe user.
lwc-lock Leave Word Calling Lock: locks the message retrieval capability of the display module on the station.
lwc-store Leave Word Calling Store: leaves a message for the user associated with the lastnumber dialed to return the call to the


major-alrm 严重告警 Major Alarm: assign to a status lamp to notify the user when major alarms occur.Major alarms usually require immediateattention.








Manual Message Waiting: allows a multiappearance telephone user to press a button on their telephone in order to light the Manual Message Waiting button atanother telephone.You can administer this feature only to pairs of telephones, suchas an assistant and an executive. For example, an assistant can press the man- msg-wt button to signal the executive that






Immediate Manual Override (display button): allows the user (on a system with Time of Day Routing) to temporarily override the routing plan and use the specified TOD routing plan.TOD: specify the routing plan the user wants to follow in override situations.




Manual-In Mode: prevents the user from becoming available for new ACD calls uponcompletion of an ACD call by automaticallyplacing the agent in the after call work mode. Grp: The split group number for ACD.




Malicious Call Trace Activation: sends a message to the MCT control extensions that the user wants to trace a malicious call. MCT activation also starts recording thecall, if your system has a MCT voice recorder.






























Malicious Call Trace Control: allows the user to take control of a malicious call trace request. Once the userbecomes the MCT controller, the system stops notifying other MCT control extensions of the MCTrequest.

NOTE: To add an extension to the MCT

control group, you must also add the extension on the Extensions

Administered to have an MCT-Control Button screen. For information about this screen, see Avaya Aura?

Communication Manager Screen Reference, 03-


When the user presses the MCT Control button, the system first displays the called party information.

Pressing the button again displays the rest

of the trace information. The MCT

controller must dial the MCT

Deactivate feature access code to release control.

mf-da-intl Multifrequency Operator International:allows users to call Directory Assistance.
mf-op-intl Multifrequency Operator International: allows users to make international calls to the CO attendant.
mj/mn-alrm 严重/次要告警 当系统出现故障或者错误后,该按键将会被点亮 告知系统存在故障
mm-basic 多媒体基本功能 Multimedia Basic: used to place amultimedia complex into the “Basic” mode or to return it to the “Enhanced”mode.
mm-call 多媒体呼叫 Multimedia Call: used to indicate a call is to be a multimedia call.
mm-cfwd 多媒体呼叫前传 activate forwarding of multimedia calls as multimedia calls, not as voice calls.
mm-datacnf 多媒体数据会议 Multimedia Data Conference: used to initiate a data collaboration session between multimedia endpoints; requires a button with a lamp.
mm-multnbr Indicate that the user wants to place calls to 2 different addresses using the 2 B- channels.
mm-pcaudio 多媒体PC音频 Switches the audio path from the telephone (handset or speakerphone) to the PC (headset or speakers/ microphone).
msg-retr 留言检索 按键后屏幕显示出留言提供给哪位分机
mwn-act 留言待取生效 按键后输入分机号可以点亮目的地分机的留言灯 提醒其收听留言
mwn-deact 留言待取取消 按键后输入分机号可以熄灭目的地分机的留言灯




配合Directory(目录)使用,查询PBX存在的分 机号以便拨打。


按键后,系统进入夜服模式。使中继的夜服来电 目地的生效。
noans-alrt 无应答告警 Redirection on No Answer Alert:C136indicates a Redirection on No Answer timeout has occurred for the split.
no-hld-cnf 无等待会议 一般会议时需要在增加会议者时会令其他会议人 员处于HOLD状态,无等待会议的特点是在增加参 会人员时,其他人员还是处于参会状态,该按键大体上的用法和conference相同。
normal Normal (display button): places the station’s display into normal call identificationmode.








Off board Alarm: associated status lamp lights if an off-circuit pack major,minor, or warning alarm is active on acircuit pack. Off-board alarms (loss of signal, slips, misframes) relate to problems on the facility side of theDS1, ATM, or other interface.


per-Coline 个人中继线路 需要先用ch personal-co-line设置好个人中继 组,再在按键上填写该组号。达到个人中继的目的。


Property Management System alarm:associated status lamp indicates that a failure in the PMS link occurred. A major or minor alarm condition raises the alarm.
post-msgs 公告信息 按键后再屏幕上会出现公布信息的内容,如:吃 饭中;不在座位上等等。选择好后按#号,其他分 机拨打该分机时对方电话上会显示这条公告信息告知拨打人。
pr-awu-alm 自动叫醒故障 Automatic Wakeup Printer Alarm:associated status lamp indicates that an automatic wakeup printer interface failure occurred.
pr-pms-alm PMS打印机故障 PMS Printer Alarm: associated status lamp indicates that a PMS printer interface failure occurred.
pr-sys-alm pms系统告警 System Printer Alarm: associated status lamp indicates that a system printerfailure occurred.
print-msgs Print Messages: allows users to print messages for any extension by pressing the button and entering the extension and a security code.
priority 优先呼叫 通过该按键拨出到其他分机,其他分机上的振铃 音会有所变化,让对方识别出这个呼叫为优先呼 叫,让其尽快接听电话。


q-calls 队列呼叫 Queue Calls: associated status lamp flashes if a call warning threshold has been reached. Grp: Group number of hunt group.
q-time 排队时间 Queue Time: associated status lamp flashes if a time warning threshold has been reached. Grp: Group number of hunt group.




呼叫中心座席使用耳机时,可以用此键进行通话 挂机。





Users can display the ringer status for a line or bridged appearance by pressing the ring-stat button followedby a call-appr, brdg-appr or abrdg-appr button. Depending on theringer status, the display shows:● Ringer On

● Ringer Off

● Ringer Delayed

● Ringer Abbreviated

ringer-off 振铃关闭 按键后,来电振铃将会静音。当分机参数中的 Redirect Notification处于打开状态时,来电还 会有一声振铃,当Redirect Notification处于关 闭时,则完全静音。
rs-alert 重启告警 当PBX重启后,会在该功能键中有所提示。测试时 可以使用reset system 4来进行测试。




Remote Access Barrier Code Security Violation Notification Call: activates or deactivates call referral when aremote access barrier code security violation is detected.




话务员功能键:Scroll (display button): allows the user to select one of the two lines(alternates with each press) of the16-character LCD display. Only one line displays at a time.










send all call跟呼叫转移不一样的地方是,呼叫 转移转的是分机,而send all call转的是COV PATH。Send all call有两种情况。1:send all call(ASA里面)按键后不填写号码 为呼叫全发送。来电全部转移到自己分机的cov path

2:send all call(ASA里面)按键后填写号码例 如2222,当分机呼入到2222分机时,所有来电转 接到2222的的cov path中去。





需要先用add term-ext-group命令新建一个组, 才能应用这个功能,由于测试失败,目前还不知 道这个功能键的用法。Send All Calls For Terminating ExtensionGroup: allows the user to forward all calls directed to a terminating extension group.




























该功能用于偷听或者强行插入通话应用。在cor里 面有两项需要注意:Can Be Service Observed?(是否允许被监听)Can Be A Service Observer?(是否允许监听他人)。还有就是 change system-parameters feature中特别有监 听这方面的设置选择。Service Observing: Warning Tone?(监听电话 时,对方电话是否有告警音,设置为N以后,被监

听者不能发觉电话被监听)or Conference Tone? Service Observing Allowed with Exclusion? Allow Two Observers in Same Call?(是否允许 两个电话同时监听一个电话,曾经有案例,某呼 叫中心有录音设备,该录音方式采取的是监听的 方式,但是该呼叫中心的座席班长有监听座席电 话的权限,如果Allow Two Observers in Same Call该功能不开启,要么造成班长监听不成功,

要么造成不能录音,值得注意。) 监听功能按键+分机号为监听该分机,该功能和分 机号一旦设置完毕,不管对方是否通话中,仍处 于监听状态。直接挂机或者关闭免提即可取消监 听。在监听时如果需要强插通话可以再按一下监 听键即可实现监听。

























Share Talk: enables multiple DCP or H323 IP endpoints that are registered to the same extension to share talk capability. Normally, when more than one endpoint requests RTP (Real Time Transfer Protocol) media, only one of the endpoints (Base Set) is capable of talking and listening, while the other endpoints are connected inlisten-only mode. This button allows all the endpoints that are associated with the extension to share the talk capability. Note that in Communication Manager 5.0, only AE Server DMCC (Device, Media, and Call Control) endpoints are capable of requestingRTP while they are sharing control of the extension. For more information on DMCC, see Avaya MultiVantage? Application

Enablement Services Administration and



该功能需要填写分机号,填写完毕,按此键可以 通过信令连接目标分机,令目标分机短声振铃一 次,估计该功能是为了测试信令是否正常而开发 的一个测试功能
ssvn-halt SSVN暂停 Toggle whether or not station security code violation referrals are made to thereferral destination.









分机锁定(通过锁机变更 COR等级)

分机锁定以后,将自动变更自身的COR等级。由于 没有解锁键,只能通过feature-access-codes进 行解锁,可以设置为锁机:*77,解锁为*78。功能 话机有锁机键,按键后,即可锁定,解锁还是只 能通过*78+分机号+#+安全码(分机注册码)+#; 非功能话机可以通过*77+分机号+#+安全码(分机 注册码)+#进行锁机。改变的cor设置地方为在 change cor后的第二页,有一个名为StationLock COR: 0的参数,可以设置0或其他COR等级, 这样在锁机会将会变更COR等级。


After an ACD agent answers a call,the agent can press this button to send an ISDN CONNECT message to the PSTN network tostart the PSTN call–billing for a call atthe PSTN switch.
stored-num 已储存号码 Enables a display mode that displays the numbers stored in buttons.
stroke-cnt 自动分配记数 Automatic Call Distribution Stroke Count # (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9) sends a message to CMS to increment a stroke count number.


term-x-gr 终结号码分组 Terminating Extension Group:provides one or more extensions. Calls can be received but not originated with this button. Grp: TEG number.


Used only with some set types.
togle-swap 触发切换 Allows a user to toggle between two parties before completing a conference or a transfer.


Facility Test Call Alarm: associated status lamp lights when a successful Facility Test Call (FTC) occurs.
trk-id 中继线路显示 与外线通话时按此键可以在屏幕显示出现时所使 用的中继线和具体的信息。
trunk-name 中继线名称 与外线通话时按此键可以在屏幕显示出使用的中 继线名称。
trunk-ns 中继线夜服模式 按键后,该中继组会变更为夜服状态,中继来电 会走其具体的夜服呼入路由。


usr-addbsy Adds the busy indicator.
usr-rembsy Removes the busy indicator.
uui-info Allows users to see up to 32 bytes of ASAI- related UUI-IE data.




Busy Verification: allows users to maketest calls and verify a station or a trunk.
vip-chkin VIP Check-in (display button): allows user to assign the XDIDVIP number to the room extension.





VIP Retry: starts to flash when the user places a VIP wakeup call and continues to flash until the call isanswered. If the VIP wakeup call is not answered, the user can press the VIP Retrybutton to drop the call and

reschedule the VIP wakeup call as a classic wakeup call. To assign this button, you

must have both Hospitality and VIP Wakeup enabled.



VIP Wakeup: flashes when a VIP wakeup reminder call is generated. The user presses the button to place a priority(VIP) wakeup call to a guest. To assignthis button, you must have both Hospitality and VIP Wakeup enabled.


VDN of Origin Announcement. VDN of OriginAnnouncement must be enabled.
voice-mail 语音邮箱 语音邮箱功能键,用于进入语音邮箱。










VuStats Display: allows the agent to specify a display format for the statistics. If you assign a different VuStats display format to each button,the agent can use the buttons to access different statistics. You can assign this button only to display telephones. format: specify the number of the format you wantthe button to display ID (optional):specify a split number, trunk group number,












Whisper Page Activation: allows a user to make and receive whisper pages. A whisper page is an announcement sent to another extension who is active on a call where only the person on the extension hears theannouncement; any other parties on the call cannot hear the announcement.The user must have a class of restriction (COR) that allowsintra-switch calling to use whisper paging.
whisp-anbk 静音寻呼应答 Whisper Page Answerback: allows a user who received a whisper page to respond to the user who sent the page.
whisp-off 静音寻呼关闭 Deactivate Whisper Paging: blocks other users from sending whisper pages to this telephone.
work-code 工作模式 Call Work Code: allows an ACD agent after pressing “work-code” to send up to 16 digits (using the dial pad) to CMS.


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