
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 8.0.0 含破解补丁

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TechSmith Camtasia StudioCamtasia工作室是专业的录音完整的解决方案,高品质的网页,CD-ROM和便携式媒体播放器,包括iPod屏幕视频编辑和共享。支持多种视频标准,可以确保您的内容交付,现在和未来。

Camtasia工作室可以帮助你保持在移动世界的步伐,使其易于发布iPod和其它便携式媒体播放器的视频和MP3文件。现在你的营销信息,截屏,讲座,或只是在时间的培训视频可以达到你的听众在公共汽车上几乎任何地方,在一个咖啡厅,或在他们重新慢跑。 Camtasia工作室视频只是设计共享。

水晶般清晰的播放大小任何与CAMTASIA SmartFocus
容易,多功能视频共享的TechSmith ExpressShow



编辑你的视频,并加强与标注,标题,信贷,缩放,平移,测验和额外的音轨。 Camtasia工作室的丰富的编辑选项,在您的指尖。



Camtasia Studio is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure your content delivery now and in the future.

Easily record your screen, PowerPoint, multiple audio tracks, and webcam video to create compelling training videos, screencasts, and presentations without ever leaving your desk. With the power of interactive Camtasia Studio videos, you can deliver high-quality content anytime, to even your most remote audience.
Camtasia Studio helps you keep pace in a mobile world by making it easy to publish videos and MP3 files for iPod and other portable media players. Now your marketing message, screencast, lecture, or just-in-time training video can reach your audience practically anywhere on the bus, in a coffee shop, or while they re jogging. Camtasia Studio videos are simply designed to share.

Intelligent capture controls that adapt to you
Crystal-clear playback at any size with Camtasia SmartFocus
Easy, versatile video sharing with TechSmith ExpressShow
Precise editing and butter-smooth onscreen movement
Professional content without a ton of production time

With the smartest screen recording tools on the planet, Camtasia Studio makes everything from training videos to PowerPoint presentations to lectures look better, reach more people, and pack more punch. Which makes you look even smarter, too.

Record Anything
Easily create training, demonstrations, presentations, online courses… the possibilities are endless. Connect with your audience by including screen recordings, audio, voice narration, PowerPoint, Picture-in-Picture and webcam video.

Edit and Enhance
Edit and enhance your video with callouts, titles, credits, zooming, panning, quizzes and additional audio tracks. Camtasia Studio’s extensive editing options are at your fingertips.

Publish in Flash, QuickTime and a variety of video formats, then share on the Web, CD or DVD. You can use the Production Wizard to assist you in choosing the best format and settings for sharing with your audience, or you can have complete control over audio and video codecs and quality, frame rate, color depth, and inclusion or exclusion of special effects.


TechSmith Camtasia Studio 8.0.0 含破解补丁:迅雷快传

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